The Roadmap of

Melita D. Carter

The Backlog
teacher at board
Professional Facilitator

I was once a Professional Facilitator who facilitated a host of programs from my organizations offerings. A huge part of my role as a facilitator was the mixture of my natural gift of strategic planning and public speaking. The goal was to create dynamic program offerings that were captivating, motivating, and moved the young and the wise into action. In the planning phase is where I had to use my research skills to gather understanding from the stakeholders of the organizations in regards to the needs of their staff and students. I also had to conduct ongoing research from holding group sessions directly with staff and students on their needs and desire for our programming outcomes.

  • Passionate
  • Compassion
  • Motivating
artist talking
Professional Spoken Word Artist

I wrote my first poem at 14 years old and I have speaking since then. I have won several 1st place compeitions for trophies and cash prizes. I went on and wrote, produced my own one-woman monologue titled "Shipwrecked But Not Lost" as a fundraiser for my social enterprise "Natural Born Leaders Academy." My gift of writing has served as a tool of healing for me and for all those who lend an ear to hear. Who is your favorite Poet?

  • Thought Provoking
  • Chilling
  • Moving
number graph for project
Community Activist

I've been working in my community of the Far Eastide for as long as I've been a member of it. I started my community activism journey working with students as an AmeriCorp member at Arlington High School. I've founded multiple community endeavors; "Koinonia" which was the first 3-Day Far Eastside neighborhood cleanup initiative. To the first Far Eastside Food Truck Festival. Serving with my community has been a delight

  • Strategic Planning
  • People Management
  • Management
Mission Driven Entrpreneuer

I've been working in my community of the Far Eastide for as long as I've been a member of it. I started my community activism journey working with students as an AmeriCorp member at Arlington High School. I've founded multiple community endeavors; "Koinonia" which was the first 3-Day Far Eastside neighborhood cleanup initiative. To the first Far Eastside Food Truck Festival. Serving with my community has been a delight

  • Compassionate Leadership
  • Product Leader
  • Community Development

Portfolio Features

one eyed creature
One Eyed Boxed Willy

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go Visit Willy-Befriend Him
Join the Kast

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Kast ReKasted Project
My First API

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

API Project
Blue Badge

This is a place holder for future project. Blue Badge

Red Badge

This is a place holder for future project. Red Badge

Melita, I love your Roadmap! Let's Chat